Rasheed Wallace to sign with Boston Celtics
This is going to be a tough one for me, at least at first. Admittedly, I root for the laundry. I always have, and I always will. But let's not sugarcoat this one: I hate Rasheed Wallace. I think I started disliking him in college, and then I grew to downright loathe the man when he started racking up technical fouls in the NBA at a rate that would shame a crack baby with Tourette's. 'Sheed was the only player ever ejected from the McDonald's All-American game. That's an All-Star game, in case you are wondering...for high school kids. He demolished the NBA single season record for technicals with 41 in 2001. That's not a typo. That's 41 Ts, or a rate of one every other game over the course of a full schedule.
But now that he's going to be wearing the Celtic Green, I dug a little deeper. I always thought 'Sheed was just a crybaby, but it turns out he thinks he is misunderstood and treated unfairly. Guess what? He has been! Wallace was suspended for seven games for confronting a ref after a game about said unfair treatment. Just hothead 'Sheed out of control, one would think. Well, what if I told you that the ref in question is currently serving time in the federal pen for rigging games? A-ha! Maybe poor 'Sheed was right all along!
Oh, who am I kidding. This one's going to take me a little while. I haven't felt like this since the Red Sox signed David Wells, who I hated with a passion. I found myself yelling "Yeah, Boomer!" during his opening start and I couldn't even get that out with a straight face. I'm sure it will be the same with Rasheed for at least a while this fall.
But I'll be well over that issue when the playoffs roll around and we grab banner number 18.
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