Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Opening Day

AJ's first opening day was a pretty disappointing one for the Red Sox. Schill just never looked comfortable. He has been experimenting with a new change up and he admits that he still struggles with it from time to time--and today was clearly one of those times. The goal of adding this to his repertoire is for him to pitch to contact more, as his fastball and split are his strikeout pitches, and that idea makes sense for a guy of his age. But if things go like they did today, he is going to have to change course. And thanks to his blog, 38 Pitches, I now know more about his process and his results than ever before, and it is great. Check it out if you haven't done so yet. He even his a post-game post up already.

Here's something I have always hated about opening day: the day off immediately after the opener. The Red Sox almost always have this, and it drives me nuts, because if they won, you want to keep the momentum going, and if they lost, then you just cannot wait to get game two underway. This year is no different.

I have a new favorite website, and if you are a baseball fan that hates some of the same broadcasters I do and the asinine statements they make then I implore you to check it out immediately. It's called FIRE JOE MORGAN. Enough said right there, really. Start by checking out their glossary and then just page through some of their recent posts. It is brilliant baseball stuff and it's also absolutely hilarious. Trying to describe exactly what they do there won't even do it justice, so just go check it out.